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CHAPTER 5 Appendices

benzene, used in manufacturing powder, liquid, gel, agglomerate, bar or tablet de- tergents.

LPG: Liquefied petroleum gas.

MARPOL: International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships in the marine environment caused by ope- rational or accidental factors.

MWh: Megawatt hour. Energy unit.

Net entitlement: Net entitlement, cal- culated after applying contractual provi- sions, in the case of Production Distribu- tion Agreements, in accordance with the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commi- ssion) regulations.

NOx: Nitrogen oxides.

OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-ope- ration and Development.

Offshore: Away from the coast or out to sea. Applies to activities performed at sea, such as the operation of oil plat- forms.

Onshore: Inland from the coastline; on land.

Other indirect greenhouse gas emis- sions (Scope 3): All indirect emissions (except for those included in Scope 2) that take place outside of the organisa- tion, at both production and consumer entities.

PAC expenses: Expenses used for pollu- tion abatement and control.

Pool: Wholesale electricity market. Market overseen by the operator OMEL, in which electricity is purchased and sold on a daily basis.

RBSA (Red Bioenergy Sustainability Assurance): Standard for biofuel certi- fication.

Revamping: Modernisation and renova- tion of industrial processes.

Site: Industrial facilities which are ope- rated by Cepsa in a specific geographical area.

SO2: Sulphur dioxide.

UAE: United Arab Emirates.

UNE-EN ISO: International standard as drafted for Spain.

United Nations Global Compact: Initia- tive intended to encourage the private sector to assume environmental, labour, human rights protection and anti-corrup- tion commitments.

Venting: Intentional controlled discharge of unburned gases into the atmosphere.

Working interest: Total production inte- rest, calculated before applying contrac- tual conditions in the case of Production Distribution Agreements.