Familiarize yourself with the different certifications we've obtained as part of our Diversity and Inclusion program and all the companies that endorse us.
Diversity Leading Company Seal, awarded by Equipos and Talento and which certifies us as a leading company in diversity, equity and inclusion.
The “Retribución Más Igual” award is a recognition given by the Community of Madrid to Cepsa for its commitment to guarantee in a real and effective way the equality of retribution within its organization and that allows to keep on moving forward in favour of equality.
Cepsa has been recognized by the Financial Times as the leading company in the energy sector in Spain and tenth in Europe in the third annual "Financial Times Diversity Leaders" ranking. This seal, which values aspects such as gender balance or openness to all forms of sexual orientation, endorses our commitment and work in the field of diversity and inclusion.
This document was created based on the efforts launched by the European Commission and the priorities of the Europe 2020 strategy. It is a voluntary written commitment that Cepsa Portugal has made internally. It aims to defend and promote diversity and equal opportunities at work, regardless of culture, ethnicity, social background, sexual orientation, gender, age, physical characteristics or religion.
The Diversity Charter is a voluntary commitment signed by companies and institutions to reaffirm their commitment to equality, the right to inclusion of all people, the recognition the advantages that diversity brings and the implementation of specific diversity and inclusion policies within their companies.
The EFR seal, promoted by the Másfamilia Foundation, certifies the implementation of a management model that encourages work-life balance. At Cepsa, we have more than 100 measures in place to improve work-life balance and eight of our companies have now received this seal.
Intrama creates the network of companies committed to diversity and equality (ECDI) with the objective of working, through research, analysis and training, to raise awareness of the importance of implementing diversity management policies in the company.versidad en la empresa.
Cepsa has joined REDI (Business Network for diversity and inclusion LGBTI) consultation forum for the identification of good practices and support for the development of initiatives in our diversity and Inclusion program.
Intrama reúne en este informe a las 30 empresas españolas con mejores prácticas en materia de D&I.
Empowering Women’s Talent, led by Equipos&Talentos, promotes the development of female talent, equality and diversity. This seal recognizes Cepsa's commitment to promoting diversity and the equal progress of all its professionals.
We sign our adherence to this initiative created by UN Women and the United Nations Global Compact, with wich we reinforce our commitment to promote the full development of female talent in the company, the elimination of gender biases and barriers, and the fair and equal treatment of women.
Cepsa is part of the STEAM Alliance for female talent, an initiative promoted by the Ministry of Education to contribute to eliminates gender stereotypes associated with certain vocations and professions.
Global Compact Program, which aims to promote the presence of women on the boards of directors of companies and in executive management positions.
A United Nations initiative based on international human rights standards, whose objective is to promote diversity and equality in business by reviewing companies' internal policies and establishing different initiatives that encourage respect for and promotion of the rights of this group.
We join the occupational inclusion program 'Yes, We Trans' by FELGTBI+ (state Federation of Lesbianas, Gais, Trans, Bisexuals, Intersexuals, and more). With this membership, promoted by the Diversity and Inclusion team and the EQUAL employee network, we want to approach the reality of the trans group and contribute to their integration in the world of work.