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Within the framework of the Diversity and Inclusion Programme, the Strategic Committee - a governance body which is part of the Program - has set itself the objective of increasing the percentage of women in leadership positions by the end of 2024. To achieve this goal, the Commi- ttee has defined the following levers:

Involving the businesses in the fulfil- ment of the goal.

Reviewing the procedure in place for advancement to leadership positions to ensure objectivity and traceability in decision making.

Implementing training and cultural shift initiatives in relation to uncons- cious bias.

Developing managerial skills among women with potential.

Introduction of blind-screening CVs in internal and external recruitment pro- cesses.

In order to guarantee genuine gender equality in the hiring and development of its professionals, Cepsa s companies with a workforce of more than 250 em- ployees implement Equality Plans that are regularly reviewed and updated. In Group companies with fewer than 250 employees, we implement a series of measures with identical content to the Equality Plans.

The aforementioned Diversity and In- clusion Programme also envisages the hiring of disabled people by our organi- sation and, to this end, awareness raising and cultural change initiatives have been designed. In 2019 Cepsa s workforce included a total of 133 disabled emplo- yees. In 2020 we will work on the nor- malisation of the situation of people with disabilities, fostering actions such as the elimination of barriers and analysis of po- sitions that can be filled by people with these requirements.

Our ethics channel, a monitoring tool of our Code of Ethics and Conduct, enables us to monitor and address any potential irregularities that might arise, with the aim of guaranteeing labour relationships that show the utmost respect for peo- ple's dignity and are free from discrimina- tion in any form. Cepsa has also reviewed specific internal procedures for investiga- tion of reports of sexual or psychological harassment (mobbing).

In the chapter on human rights, employ- ment and occupation in the year 2019, only the existence of a situation of ha- rassment has been accredited, which was immediately remedied.


3508 6329

3712 6434



1 Data for 39 partial retirees (29 men and 10 women) are not included in 2019



3630 6523